How to Register

Follow the steps bellow to register your copy.

1.Click Help/Register on the mainwindow.

2.Enter user name and registration code come with the email from share*it. Please make sure that there no space or other invisible charaters at begining or end of your name and register code.Furthur more,you must have administrator account of your computer because the registration process will write system registry.

If you purchased this program,you will receive the registration information in a minute from share*it.The registeration information is like below(for example):

Your license information is: User name="Serina Hoffman";Registration Code="XQWsmHi2AYLDdyrqSn"

Then input "Serina Hoffman"(no quotation marks) in the User Name blank and input "XQWsmHi2AYLDdyrqSn"(no quotation marks) in the registration code blank.

3.Press OK, if you enter correct name and password, the program will show you "Register successfully", then you get a full licensed copy.
